
All or nothing | Alexandra Roxana Popa

All or nothing

It’s no secret that extraordinary results require extraordinary behavior. This can go in two different ways. Outstanding professionals reach unusual results because they employ a combination of extra work and various abilities. Most of the time, they are also supported by their ambitious personalities.

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Learning as a Habit | Alexandra Roxana Popa

Learning as a Habit

My history with learning is a long one. I was a great student in all stages of my formal education. I was very disciplined and very dedicated. Initially, I learned to get the results not only in my grades but also in gaining attention from my teachers, classmates, and parents. Later I realized my need was deeper than that.

Learning as a Habit Read More »*- the crowdfunding platform that started from a conversation about education and zacusca**

I was at the summer school Oxford for Romania, participating as mentor for the students’ entrepreneurship project. Every Year, Oxford for Romania (OFR) offers a program for 25 high school students from Romania, very intelligent and curious to discover the world. Many of them come from vulnerable backgrounds, have never travelled abroad, nor dare to hope this may happen soon.*- the crowdfunding platform that started from a conversation about education and zacusca** Read More »